Tomb Mold – The Enduring Spirit LP


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While the evolution of Tomb Mold’s sound could be heard on last year’s self-released ‘Aperture of Body’ tape, especially on the final track ‘Prestige of Rebirth’, it becomes crystal clear throughout ‘The Enduring Spirit’. It’s clear that Derrick Vella’s expansion of the Doom genre with Dream Unending has influenced Tomb Mold. Payson Power and Max Klebanoff’s experiments with their own Daydream Plus project have also left their mark.

The album opener, ‘The Perfect Memory (Phantasm of Aura)’, introduces the band’s angular, dimension-shifting riffs. As the track progresses, it delves into various degrees of progressive Death Metal and some of the band’s most intense material yet. “Will Of Whispers” starts with a jazz-like fantasy sequence before swerving into a blinding white light barrage, tasteful guitar leads, and then back to a dreamy serpentine pattern. It encompasses entire universes in its nearly seven-minute runtime.

The latter half of the album continues the exploration of Death Metal norms, culminating in the 11+ minute album closer ‘The Enduring Spirit Of Calamity’. This track takes listeners on an otherworldly journey into a vortex where all things converge in space and time, creating a tree of life through luminous celestial composition.

After a four-year hiatus, a band as creatively energetic as Tomb Mold was bound to broaden their vision. On ‘The Enduring Spirit’, they’ve crafted an album with a cinematic atmosphere that offers limitless opportunities for exploration, both for the band and the listener.